Brand Contents Services - User Engagement Video Services

When it comes to user engagement, the longer users stay on your site, the better. Google sees it as a positive signal when users stay on your website, or more specifically, on a page, for a long period of time. It lets Google know that you have beneficial, informative information that users are interested in.
However, if you have walls of text on your site pages, users likely won't stay engaged for long. That's why user engagement videos are so important.
However, if you have walls of text on your site pages, users likely won't stay engaged for long. That's why user engagement videos are so important.
User engagement videos allow you to engage your audience with your site content better that you can with text content alone. Not only do videos help keep users on your pages, but they also add an exciting video element that users will have a hard time passing up.
User engagement videos can cover any of the following:
Details of your products
Product assembly instructions
Whiteboard video explaining a concept, product, or service
Long-winded topics that inform users
Details of your products
Product assembly instructions
Whiteboard video explaining a concept, product, or service
Long-winded topics that inform users
$300 / ev
Video Length 30s
Number of Revisions 1 round
Video Resolution - 1080p
Commercially Licensed Music
Keyword Research
Video Mapping Content to Ideal Ranking Pages
Optimized for Featured Snippets
Themed Video Content Static Images
Overlay Text Script 75 words
Professional Voice Over
Fonts for the Overlay Text Script 1 Font
Custom Brand Colors in Titling
Color Correction
Formatting & Conversion for Social
Logo within Video
300+ SMEs behind campaign driving results
Source mp4 file provided
JSON+LD Ranking Optimized Embed Code
$600 / ev
Video Length 60s
Number of Revisions 2 round
Video Resolution - 1080p
Commercially Licensed Music
Keyword Research
Video Mapping Content to Ideal Ranking Pages
Optimized for Featured Snippets
Themed Video Content Static Images
Overlay Text Script 150 words
Professional Voice Over
Fonts for the Overlay Text Script 500 Font
Custom Brand Colors in Titling
Color Correction
Formatting & Conversion for Social
Logo within Video
300+ SMEs behind campaign driving results
Source mp4 file provided
JSON+LD Ranking Optimized Embed Code
$1200 / ev
Video Length 90s
Number of Revisions 3 round
Video Resolution - 1080p
Commercially Licensed Music
Keyword Research
Video Mapping Content to Ideal Ranking Pages
Optimized for Featured Snippets
Themed Video Content Static Images
Overlay Text Script 200 words
Professional Voice Over
Fonts for the Overlay Text Script 500 Font
Custom Brand Colors in Titling
Color Correction
Formatting & Conversion for Social
Logo within Video
300+ SMEs behind campaign driving results
Source mp4 file provided
JSON+LD Ranking Optimized Embed Code
Contact us
Boulevard Plaza - Tower 1 - Emaar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd - Downtown Dubai - Dubai
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