Brand Contents Services - SEO Long-Form Copywriting Services

Content to generate Traffic, Rankings, & Sales and this servicefocuses on researching, creating, and promoting skyscraper content,which ranges from 2100 to 5300 words. Skyscraper content is an excellenttool for reaching and converting your target market.



Word Count 1500
Keyword research
SEO Copywriting
Professional Editing
New Webpage Implementation
Strategic keyword use in articles & co-citation
Linking to internal & external content
Basic Reporting
3 Custom Graphics
Webpage Formatting
300+ SMEs behind campaign driving results



Word Count 2600
Keyword research
SEO Copywriting
Professional Editing
New Webpage Implementation
SEO Optimization for New Webpage
Topical Research
Strategic keyword use in articles & co-citation
Linking to internal & external content
Basic Reporting
5 Custom Graphics
Graphics sized for social media
Webpage Formatting
300+ SMEs behind campaign driving results



Word Count 3600
Keyword research
SEO Copywriting
Professional Editing
New Webpage Implementation
SEO Optimization for New Webpage
Topical Research
Strategic keyword use in articles & co-citation
Linking to internal & external content
Detailed Reporting
10 Custom Graphics
Graphics sized for social media
Webpage Formatting
Basic Promotion
300+ SMEs behind campaign driving results

Contact us

  • +971554512011
  • Boulevard Plaza - Tower 1 - Emaar,  Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd - Downtown Dubai - Dubai

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